Ygor "The Zampo" Dreyer

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Ygor "The Zampo" Dreyer

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Blog Post

Amazing Cultivation Simulator – Game Review

September 5, 2021 Review
Amazing Cultivation Simulator – Game Review

This game feels like it’s a Chinese game with an English mod, and not an English translation.
The VA in the tutorials is fine, but my issue is with the translation… it feels awkward at some parts, and the font it’s really really bad. Since the UI is made for Chinese chars, the English really doesn’t fit the screen, and all the time feels like you are playing a game jam game.

The content in the game it’s great, not gonna lie… and I’ll keep my eye on the game if it gets an update that addresses this issue. But at the current state, I was not enjoying myself while playing, because it really felt… just off.

Other than the translation, there are a bunch of other things that could use some patching…
– The 2.5 models don’t fit the game background at all, it feels like you are playing with weird poorly made assets from mods.
– The information on the game is really not “balanced”. They over-explain some parts and don’t give information at all on others. The game was really smooth in this first hour, until one character died out of nowhere, with no information on why, or the reason. And if it was in some of the menus, it was really unclear where. (And I have hundreds of hours on Colony Sims, so I was paying close attention to their health).
– The priority system was really just a worse RimWorld/Oxygen Not Included/Any other sim implementation. It was just “one job” for each person, and “do or don’t”. And again, if there were settings besides that, it was really unclear.
– There is no feedback on interacting with the UI. Not transition, animation, it almost looks like an HTML game.

The game just feels like an unpolished alpha of itself. Like they are making all the content, nonstop, using placeholder assets everywhere. And if you can ignore that, be my guest and try it out!
I care about that stuff, and I decided to stop playing for now, and maybe with some time and active community, these problems can be fixed!

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