Ygor "The Zampo" Dreyer

Game Designer

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Ygor "The Zampo" Dreyer

Game Designer

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Computer Engineer

Blog Post

Rise to Ruins – Mini Game Review

September 5, 2021 Review
Rise to Ruins – Mini Game Review

It’s like if They Are Billions and Terraria had a child together!

The game has an insane amount of content, and it’s really satisfying to see your kingdom grow, and later, your multiples regions growing. Each area has its own challenges, so, even if you are mastering the game’s mechanics, you have to bend your whole mind to plan a camp in a new region.

The game has some minor flaws, like the lack of “gameplay tips” in the beginning. You are going to constantly build something, that requires something else, and also something else to get it working. And at that point, if you are not following a guide, you are going to lose a few rounds.

But overall, the game is great, especially after you learn the basic mechanics.

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